Sponsors and Friends of Inishowen Maritime Museum

Inishowen Maritime Museum, located at the Old Coastguard Station in Greencastle, has been at the heart of the community, preserving and showcasing Inishowen’s rich maritime heritage for the past 30 years. The museum has achieved great success over the years and has held many exhibitions and events to promote the importance of the Inishowen sea faring community. The museum is continuing its progress by being part of the Museums Standards Programme of Ireland with the Heritage Council and with its close partnership with Failte Ireland.

Since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic the museum has received no operational support from the council or from any other government body. The prolonged periods of closure forced upon us by the pandemic and the rising energy costs due to the war in Ukraine have meant that we have had to make serious cutbacks in order to keep our doors open. To this end, we are hoping to establish Sponsors and Friends of the museum to help ensure our future.

We are asking that you would consider being a sponsor or friend of the museum on an annual basis. Being a sponsor or friend will entitle you to free access to the museum, museum run events and additional benefits listed below.

Sponsor – €500 Annual Fee Friend – €100 Annual Fee
Free access to the museum and

museum run events all year

Free access to the museum and

museum run events all year

Free entry for up to 10 guests per year Free entry for up to 5 guests per year
Listing as sponsor on website and at museum Listing as friend on website and at museum


Your support is vital for the future of the museum. We are now a registered charity so tax benefits may accrue to donors.

If you are happy become a sponsor or friend, we would be grateful for your contribution. The easiest way to make the payment is by setting up a standing order to be paid recurring on the 1st of May via online banking direct to our account stating your name as the reference:

ACC – Inishowen Maritime Heritage CLG

IBAN – IE09BOFI 904771 89425514



The payment can also be made by calling to the museum and paying by card or cash.

We look forward to having you on board!


The Board and Staff