Films of Greencastle Past Now on Museum’s YouTube Page

We are proud to showcase a number of films from Greencastle’s past, which includes the Foyle Warrior and Northern Celt arriving in Greencastle for their official Launch, Sea Angling in Greencastle in the 1950’s, Opening of Inishowen Maritime Memorial by President Mary Robinson, 6th of June 1997, The Blessing of The Boats in Greencastle 2001 and much more. To watch these films please visit our YouTube page Inishowen Maritime Museum or click on this link . We would Like to thank Hugh McHenry for donating these films to the Maritime Museum

Music at the Maritime Concert being held at the Museum

We are proud to announce that Inishowen Maritime Museum will be holding “Music at the Maritime”, a series of music concerts being played by a number of different bands/groups. Tickets are being sold for €15 each on , just search for the the names and follow the instructions.

Here is the line up for the concert.

Sick & Indigent Song Club – 18th August

Niamh Parsons & Graham Dunne – 1st September

Jimmy Crowley & Eve Telford – 29th September

Donegal Camerata – 3rd November


Here is the eventbrite link for the first concert by Sick & Indigent Song Club, the links for the other concerts will be posted the closer we get to them. 


For more information please email us at