Norwegian visits to Inishowen.

Kjell Magnus Økland will be organising visits by Norwegian traditional boat builders and maritime heritage enthusiasts to Ireland over the coming season.
Kjell is a journalist, photographer, film maker & webmaster and has been an organizer and promoter of cultural and maritime events for more than 25 years. He sails both traditional and modern boats.
Kjell, and his family, will be visiting Inishowen on 25, 26 & 27th February for a preliminary tour of maritime culture and heritage promoters in Donegal and will be based at the Inishowen Maritime Museum, Greencastle.
Kjell is the managing director of the Coastal Heritage Weeks Foundation.
“The Coastal Heritage Weeks in August and September are said to be the largest Coastal Heritage Gatherings in Norway, consisting of approximately 200 different events, and have well over 50 000 visitors each year. The Kystsogevekene Foundation is the organizer of “the Coastal Heritage Weeks”.
The Foundation is a non-commercial institution, whose objective is to stimulate, to operate as a mediator and developing enthusiasm, to operate as a professional guide in coast cultural development, and coordination of the annual Coastal Heritage Weeks in Hordaland and Gulen. This is a cooperation between 22 coastal community councils/municipalities in Hordaland and Gulen and Hordaland fylkeskommune (Hordaland County Municipality). Behind the organizing of the different events, one finds a huge number of enthusiasts – sincerely proud of their heritage and character.
The Coastal Heritage Weeks are composed of days where people meet and share good experiences – boat trips, activities, concerts, lectures, cultural hikes, markets, exhibitions and more. The themes of the Coastal Heritage Weeks are coastal culture – tradition and progress …
We wish also to make room for modern culture. Hordaland County Council is the main financially contributor of The Coastal Heritage Weeks foundation. The various municipalities support their own local events.”
Details of meetings and events around this visit will be finalised later.

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